Monday, January 28, 2008

Compromises and Conversations

Finding common ground is more than just a series of compromises and conversations, it is about remembering what it is that makes the other person so unique and special to you and bringing that to the front of your mind when you feel the world coming in and crashing. We tend to allow life to overwhelm not only us but everything around us, including those we love. We forget that even though we see each other through thick and thin, sometimes our hearts are not as tough as our skins. Even the strongest of us have a point where we just want scream and throw up the white flag in defeat because we just seem not to be able to accomplish anything positive or do anything to help ease the situation except cause more turmoil and more stress. Life is not a perfect scene of moonlight and roses, it is a never ending road of bumps, curves, twists, and turns that can make you smile, cry, laugh, scream, and everything in between all at the same time. Sometimes you just cannot help the way life has been or is going to be, but you can help the way you live it.