Monday, August 20, 2012

When is the past the past?

We all have different memories of the past. Some of us choose to remember the lighter moments, some of us the darker. In the end, we all remember a portion or some variation of what the truth of the past represents. Later on in life, some of us come to a cross-roads where we are able to revisit that past, to pave a new path from that era and we have to find the courage to eithe subcomb to the desire of finding ourselves in it or putting it away on the shelf to be the "past" again. The past is a unexplainable curse that holds us to ourselves, even if we have tried to come to terms with it. The past is like a carving knife, it may not define who you are but it sure as hell starts the grooves for the shape you become. The past will find you, it will ask you the question " is the past really the past" on several occasions. It is up to you to decide if you , when making those decisions, did I do because I needed to, wanted to, should have, or do I leap into " the past still isn't the past".


Anonymous said...

Put it on the shelf. If you don't, the desire is always there to revisit the past. It will eat at you.

Sometimes when we come to those crossroads, we want to make parts of the past a part of our present or even our future and it's just not possible. Maybe it's for our own good that we don't go down those paths.

The problem with revisiting the past is those parts that become the "what if" moments. What if I would've taken that chance....

If we choose to not put it on the shelf and leave it where it should be, I don't believe anything good can come from it.