Saturday, May 17, 2008

Can we survive ourselves?

I received a video from a friend recently that unhinged my writers block and set my mind free on a whirlwind of thoughts. This country is in a decline of serious proportions. We can blame presidents, we can blame senior leadership, however when it comes right down to it we only can blame ourselves. I say this because we allow our government to be soft, unyielding in their appointments with hidden agendas. We are letting our country die and no one is willing to stand up for the fight. We are a country who, without realizing it, condemns our soldiers for fighting for us. We obliterate their missions and their pride with our words of protest. Yes, we have the right to protest, but how far are we willing to go before we understand that we are protesting the wrong things? You say that we should leave the war, but do you know why you say that? Have you done the research in which to stand on your principle belief? You say that we are too vile in our ways of getting answers, but we allow thousands of Americans and other societies to be brutally murdered and tortured without a word. We as a people need to rise up and face the outside world as a strong a nation as we were in earlier years. Newt Gringrich stated this, “In World War II, in 4 years we defeated Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan”. In going on his statement, we must go within ourselves and ask the question why or how did that take place. How did our country, in age far behind in technology as we are today, take a simpler way and a shorter time frame? The answer is simple if not blunt; we simple do not care about our country. There are no more days of old where people got together to boost the moral of our soldiers, we are just to busy fighting against the cause. Americans, we were hit on our soil. It was not the first and it will not be the last. Did we do it the right way, maybe not. However, we must stand and fight for we are not safe in our little world anymore. There are masses of people, out there just waiting for the chance to destroy America. The sad part is at this point, they do not have to lift a finger, for we as Americans are doing a good job of it on our own.