Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Can't We Just Say It Already?

Watching television last night, I watched Charlie from Two and Half Men find his heart. Well, maybe not his heart, but he found a spot in an emotional desert that had not been breached in ages or maybe ever. He actually started missing another human being. I see this in others quite often in our society which shows how much we have cut off each other in our hardened world. Why have we become so latent in our emotions that we feel so little for the opposite sex? That we are afraid to tell the ones that we love or like with such ferocity that we are having those said emotions? Do we have such little faith in our own selves as of late that we do not feel that we will survive the ordeal if in fact it turns south? What if we do not take that chance and it was the chance of a lifetime? What if that was our Cinderella or Casablanca moment, are we just willing to watch that wither away for a fear of intimacy or rejection?


Jennifer said...

i was so afraid to really love someone, because i have been burned and hurt to many times. Then i was blessed to marry that man i did he is my everything. But i still protect my heart and have not showed him everything b/c i am still fearful that i will get hurt and there will be no way that i can survive. I am learning though.