Monday, October 25, 2010


So many of us walk through the day, stoic, putting on the best face possible. Defeating our odds, the walls that surround us that we are determined not to let get the better of us. Then occasionally, some of us realize that we cannot fight all the demons that are thrust at us. We find little pieces of who we are, who we used to be, and who we still hope and pray we will be again. We let life, trials and tribulations, rule the path instead of demanding our path fall in line with us. We settle. We settle for things that suffocate the person within. We say we don’t need this or that, that we can be something else for the sake of the greater good in a situation, but really, we can’t. We have to face the dreams lost, the “other” us in the mirror everyday. We have to face that which we do not let others face with us. We think we are hiding what we have hidden, but someone will notice, someone will see the depth to which you hide who you really are, good or bad. We realize we are not the only one who hears the screaming coming from far away; it is usually though the other person that realizes that screaming is coming ourselves.